Yesterday was #GivingTuesday, and we’d like to thank everyone who came out to support Act Too Studio Opera Workshop! Though we fell short of our goal for the day, we’re hopeful that we can make up that deficit as our Week of Teen Opera continues! Every dollar that was donated yesterday is vital, and we are so grateful to you all. If you missed out on yesterday’s flood of videos, we’ve collected them all here for you!
Each day this week comes with a theme, and for #GivingTuesday, our students recorded video testimonials about what the workshop means to them, and why they think it’s important. Even I got in on the action and recorded my own testimonial about what the *kids* mean to me! Check them out below.
We also received a written testimonial from one student, which I’ll share with you here as well:
So I’ve been sharing a bunch of links to this today, and here’s why I think you should donate money to this cause:
The Opera Workshop is an amazing cause and an amazing opportunity, there is nowhere else that I know of that does what Melinda Beasi does for us. When you search for high school opera schools and programs, none appear that aren’t related to the Met or Universities like Carnegie Mellon. Now, when I first started taking voice lessons at Act Too and Melinda and Janet Klump asked if I wanted to try a classical piece I resisted and worked a tiny bit on an easy little french piece, not giving it any thought. Melinda continued to try to convince me to do classical pieces to which I maneuvered my way out of, and then I saw the Opera Workshop’s production of The Medium. My view of Opera had been shattered and I was shown how amazing this art form was, throughout the next year I worked a little and a little bit more on classical pieces, and a year later, Melinda asked me to officially join the Workshop. It changed my life, I could perceive music in a whole new way, Opera helped me understand the history of the art form, and the importance, as well as the beauty of it.
But why should you donate money?
It is safe to say that Opera is a dying art form, barely any young people have any interest in it. The mission of ATS Opera Workshop, is to bring this huge part of the history of the world back, and to keep it alive, and show people what Opera truly can be. Donate money so that the Workshop can keep putting on productions that will captivate the community and revitalize the art form, as well as help teens find their voice.
– Brayden (16)
Our Week of Teen Opera continues today with “Opera Misconceptions.” Follow us on Facebook to enjoy the videos as they come! And please, if you’re able, consider a donation of any size to help keep this program alive and affordable for all our teens. CLICK TO DONATE.