Melinda is about to go into her afternoon lessons, but here’s another quick student story, now that we’re back in Golden Ticket hours! From Craig, a new member of the workshop this year!
“Back in May of last year, I saw Melinda posted an inquiry on Facebook for an assistant stage manager for the Opera Workshop’s summer production, Il Sogno d’Ariana-to which I messaged her and got it! This was some of my first real exposure to classical music. After the first rehearsal my idea of what opera and classical music was shattered. Instead of being this thing where people sing crazy high notes with a Viking helmet on, it morphed into a real art form. It’s incredible to me how all of us originally have these preconceived notions about what opera is, and how we view it, yet when submerged in all of its glory you feel and relate to this music written hundreds of years ago. The human connection and human experience of opera is a beautiful thing that I’m glad I’m a part of.
What made me most proud of being a part of Il Sogno d’Ariana was during the final week of rehearsal, when we ran the show fully and completely. I’ll never forget getting chills up my arms and tears on my face, all because of teenagers singing. It is truly incredible and I’m so, so glad I have the opportunity to not only be a part of this coming summer’s opera production, but sing alongside those who made me fall in love with classical music.”
Please consider Craig and all our teens during #ValleyGives today! DONATE NOW!